Citrus Shamrock Shake


Tomorrow is St. Patrick’s day and while I won’t be partaking in the consumption of any green beer, I can certainly enjoy one of these! This tastes just like a creamscicle and is loaded with baby spinach.

1 Tangelo
1/2 cup frozen mango pieces
1 cup coconut milk
1/2 tsp of vanilla extract
3 cups of baby spinach

Blend fruit and liquids first then add in spinach. Voila! A delicious green smoothie!

A Chocolate Smoothie That is Good For You! Kid Approved!


My son is a notoriously picky eater and like a lot of kids hates anything green.  I came up with this concoction to see if I could get some spinach into him and it worked like a charm!  I also found it to be a great option when I am craving something sweet but don’t want to deviate from the plan.

Chocolate Banana Smoothie
1 banana
2 ice cubes
1 Tbsp of almond butter
1 cup almond milk
1Tbsp unsweetened organic cocoa
2 Tsp of raw honey
1/4 Tsp vanilla extract
2 cups of spinach

Blend until smooth.  You may need a little more almond milk, I always eyeball it when I make smoothies.