Virgin Coconut Oil Deoderant


I LOVE coconut oil, Nutiva in particular is rich fragrant and amazing! Recently I found a recipe for natural deodorant on my beloved Pinterest  and thought I would give it a whirl.  There is a lot of speculation about the negative  effects of aluminum in commercial antiperspirants.  I am not the kind of person who reads one article on the internet and runs around screaming about how the sky is falling. What I will say is, and common sense dictates that, the fewer chemicals and heavy metals I put on or in my body, the healthier I will be.  This recipe was super easy and all I did was pack it into an empty deodorant dispenser and stick it in the fridge for a few minutes to make sure it was good and solid. I keep it on my dresser in my room, I have a feeling that in a warm steamy bathroom you might end up with a melty mess.  I have been using it for the last two days and it is working like a charm.  I made mine fragrance free because I personally love the smell of the coconut oil on its own. Click the picture below for the recipe.
