Easy Avocado Tuna Kale Salad


Looking for an easy tasty way to get in your leafy greens?  This is just the trick.  It tastes great, is super filling and contains a healthy dose of good fats and lean protein.    I absolutely despise lettuce, so salads are typically not a go to food for me.  Kale is SO much better than lettuce, it doesn’t get soggy, wilty or rusty.  I can dress my salad in the morning before work and it isn’t a gloppy gross mess by lunch time.

  • 1 avocado
  • 1/2 English cucumber chopped into bite size pieces
  • juice of half lime
  • 4 oz of tuna shredded
  • 2 cups of kale torn into bite size pieces
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • (for those without autoimmune disorders throw in a pinch of cumin and chop up a bit of jalapeno pepper for added zing

Mash avocado add in shredded tuna, squeeze in lime juice, salt and pepper and give another good stir.  Toss Kale in mixture and stir it around so it is evenly coated (I find using my hands is easiest).