Two Weeks In Progress Report

It has been two weeks in and as a family we can already see an improvement.  We have also realized that some tweaks have to be made.

My Husband:

He is doing great.  He is not having to take as many pills to stay awake, but because of this, his appetite has come back full force.  He is HUNGRY.  He has also lost weight, which he doesn’t need to do.  As a result we have added a little more meat and whole grain rice back into his diet.  We have consulted a nutritionist who assures us that this is sound.  He has also given us the thumbs up for almond milk as long as it doesn’t contain carageenan.  He says the brain fog has significantly lifted and he isn’t getting frustrated as easily as he usually does.  I have noticed an improvement in his cognition, short term memory and over all mood.  It isn’t perfect and it is only the beginning but we will take any positives we can get!  We have determined that he has a sensitivity to eggs.  So those have been nixed from family meals.


I feel fantastic.  I no longer feel like going into a coma at 3 pm.  I am losing excess weight at a healthy pace, my skin and hair look great and I am sleeping like a baby.  I am thrilled because I am not counting calories, weighing things or obsessing about points.  I am eating healthy food when I am hungry and coming up with all kinds of recipes.

The Boy:

He is actually eating!  He is the pickiest kid I have ever met and he has been eating smoothies with spinach in them, trying beets and putting kale on his lunch sandwiches of his own volition!  His moodiness is greatly improved and he is way less likely to burst into tears when frustrated.  Now, when foraging for snacks, he goes straight to the fruit drawer.  I can’t believe it!  Of course, I have tossed all of the garbage food in our house so he really doesn’t have any other option, but he is eating so well and that makes me a happy mama.

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